How to grow vegetables at home

How to grow vegetables at home
How to grow vegetables at home
How to grow vegetables at home

1 Definition of vegetables 
2 Types of vegetables
 3 Growing vegetables in the house 
4 Method of growing vegetables in the home
 5 Value and importance of vegetables
 6 Benefits of some vegetables 
6.1 Benefits of tomatoes 
6.2 Benefits of onions 
6.3 Benefits of garlic 
6.4 Benefits of lettuce 
6. 5 Benefits of Malukhia 
6.6 Benefits of cabbage
 Definition of vegetables Vegetables are called on a group of herbal plants, which are included as basic or secondary ingredients in the cooking and preparation of food, and the group of mushrooms can also be attached to vegetables; they are used in the cooking process, In it contains a simple amount of price Thermal, it is also considered one of the most important foods that can be dealt with on a daily basis, offering vegetables a great benefit to the body; so as to contain a set of important elements to build the body, they also contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It can not dispense with eating vegetables in its day, as it provides the body with vitality and energy necessary, and it gives the body activity necessary for movement, the best medicine for human to prevent diseases that may affect the human, as it contains fibers that strengthen The human immune system, rich in natural minerals, rebuilds damaged cells and renews dead cells, in addition to their tasty taste. It gives the food a special flavor and can also be used to decorate the food dish. Types of vegetables Vegetables are divided into many types, including: white vegetables: cauliflower, turnips, potatoes, cowpea, garlic, onions, cabbage. Green vegetables: The following vegetables are most important: lettuce, mint, garlic, cape, celery, parsley, coriander, spinach, peas, cabbage, spinach, malukhya, dill, green peppers, coriander, watercress, basil, asparagus and broccoli. Red vegetables: Beetroot, tomatoes, red pepper, red cabbage, pumpkin, carrots, and other types of vegetables: radish, eggplant, artichoke, dandelion and pulses of all kinds of beans, lentils, beans and others. Planting vegetables in the house Many people like to grow vegetables indoors; to get fresh, high-quality vegetables, and to soften the home garden's atmosphere and aesthetics. It also helps in the process of photosynthesis. How to grow vegetables in the house Planning and measuring the area of ​​the garden in which you will grow vegetables. You should make sure that the place you chose for agriculture is sun-drenched daily for at least 6 hours. Examine the sand in which the vegetables will be grown, and purify them from contaminated materials. The height of sand should not be less than 15 cm. Place and mix the appropriate vegetable fertilizer with the sand. Choose the vegetables you want to grow, and you should know that the best types of vegetables grown in small areas are cucumbers, lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, beans, carrots, eggplants, zucchini, herbs, spinach, and beets. Make a small outline on a paper, draw the shape of the garden, and select the areas where each type of vegetable will be grown. Make a barrier between the vegetables, and leave a space for each type, so that it can grow well. When you buy vegetables you should choose vegetable shrubs; they take less space in the garden. You should try growing in the form of broad rows, especially for leafy vegetables. Try to plant two or more species in the same area, such as growing carrots and radish in one place. Radish grows faster than carrots, so it is harvested long before the carrots. When a certain type of cultivated vegetables is matured, you have to harvest it, and another plant is grown instead. This is what we call serialization in agriculture. You can plant boxes in the garden, so that each box contains a certain type of vegetables. If you use the area for planting in the garden, you should use some colored pots. The value and importance of vegetables Vegetables - as mentioned - contains a large proportion of vitamins, minerals and minerals, and these vitamins (A, C), and it provides the human body with useful minerals, such as: iron, and magnesium, an important source of fiber, Low fat. Vegetables are a source of carbohydrate, especially those found in seeds and tubers other than olives and cocoa. The percentage of fat we talked about is different from that in meat, but the nutritional value is two-fold. Slices are found in vegetables as low as food, but they are found in legumes. Vegetables contain a large proportion of water ranging from 70 to 90. Because vegetables contain a large percentage of cellulose, which is not absorbed by the body, and remains inside the intestines, so we always note that doctors advise to eat vegetables in large quantities when suffering from constipation. Vegetables contain vitamins of all kinds, most important vitamin C, which in turn prevents the inflammation of the skin and acidity, and is affected by the heat of cooking, therefore, it is found in raw vegetables. Vegetables contain essential mineral salts and acids, mainly iron and potassium. Benefits of some vegetables Benefits of tomatoes Treatment of intestinal dysplasia and gout diseases. Helps to expel human food waste out of his body and, therefore, they struggle to constipation. Reduces blood acidity, which is easy to absorb and eat. Tomatoes are rich in mineral salts and vitamins. Works to treat excess stomach acidity, and resist indigestion. Tomato soup is very useful for patients with high pressure and disease
How to grow vegetables at home How to grow vegetables at home Reviewed by CPA marketing on mars 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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